Gorghi Tondi would never have been born without the love for nature of Dora, our great-grandmother “- recall Annamaria and Clara Sala, today at the helm of the family business -” A love for the grapes and for the land that, a century later, it continues to nourish and to move us as well.
It was in 2000 when their father, Michele, after a career of over forty years in the wine business, decided, together with his wife Doretta, to start a family owned company, together with his two daughters.
And so the two sisters, coming back home from their careers, ended up surrounded by the family vineyards and wines, facing the new challenge to build a future able to bring back that old dream of making premium wines in Sicily.
We have been growing excellent grapes within a nature reserve, for four generations.
That of Annamaria and Clara is a love in defense of a unique viticultural and environmental heritage, which the family safeguards today as a century ago, in perfect balance with the surrounding environment. Hence the use of clean energy, banning any harmful practice, to protect biodiversity.

It is the strong bond with their territory, especially the High, Medium and Low “whirlpools” (the so-called “Gorghi”), at the heart of an oasis as much as wild as harmonious, which has also inspired the name of the winery. A naturalistic oasis, protected by the WWF since 1998, the one of Lake Preola and Gorghi Tondi which contains a treasure of volatile and aquatic species and a suggestively rare flora.Here, in very peculiar and often unrepeatable environmental conditions, an extraordinary wine is made, Grillodoro, unique in Sicily. Heritage of the family winery since the very beginning, it is a dessert wine obtained from a late harvest of overripe Grillo grapes, attacked by Botrytis Cinerea, the so-called Noble rot, which spontaneously forms in the vineyard overlooking the sea.